One feature that was lacking was a hand-drawn style for its maps. A friendly developer named Paolo Sfredda has now created this functionality, among much else.

Hand-drawn maps

Here is a list of changes:

  • Hand-drawn theme.
  • Multi-layer canvas: the canvas now only updates when you make a change (rather than running on a timer) so that is now much faster.
  • Toolbar buttons remain highlighted once selected.
  • Shift + Enter centers the map.
  • The current map name and author appear in the header.
  • The mouse pointer gives visual feedback when over a room, note or block.
  • Bugfix: there was a bug drawing object lists with child objects
  • Bugfix: object lists would be duplicated when copy-pasting a room

To use the hand-drawn theme, go to Settings -> Render settings, then pick Hand Drawn from the list of Quick Themes.

Try it out!